
When it comes to workplace, missions or personal ministry starting with the Bible is always going to be your most valuable resource. Here though we have recommended a few more tools for you that are useful in growing as a Christian veterinarian.


The CVM app is a tool for veterinarians, vet professionals, and students to grow in their faith and profession. Click here to download the app.

The app is full of resources. In it, you can read devotionals, participate in a daily Bible reading plan, look for jobs, externships, plus check out upcoming Short Term Mission Trips. You can pray for others or be prayed for by posting to the Prayer Wall. There is a resource library with notes from veterinary experts and guest speakers at CVM events like Real Life Real Impact.


When Helping Hurts

This is an excellent resource for any Christian interested in how to truly assist those in poverty without creating dependency. It is a great guide for those who want to know which kinds of mission outreaches to support as well as how to do programs for practitioners on the front lines.  Learn more here.

God At Work

by Ken Costa

This book brings together the idea that work and our relationship with God are not separate. That the “God who created and sustains the world is also the God of the workplace.” The author challenges the reader to find purpose in their work so that their daily life has a deeper meaning and glorifies God.


This is a devotional bible study put together by the CVM staff, that is based on our theme for the year.  

Check out the prior years devotional bible studies as well:

Transformed, Grace, Rooted, Strong + Courageous, Hope, PeaceJoyDrawing NearAbounding Love and Called.

For more resources check out the CVM USA site.