Jenna was born and raised in Ashern, Manitoba, and currently works as a mixed animal practitioner at Central Veterinary Services in Oak Bluff Manitoba. Jenna graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 2020 and played an active role in the CVM student group during the 4 years of her degree program. While at the WCVM, Jenna led the CVM group through twice weekly prayer meetings and weekly devotionals. She joined a short term mission trip to Honduras in 2019 and has been waiting to go back ever since. As a recent graduate she has been enjoying all the avenues as a mixed animal vet and was led to join the CVM Canada Board in 2022. Jenna is looking forward to brining awareness of the CVM to others within and those interested in the profession. When she is not working, Jenna enjoys adventuring outdoors with her dog, Nala, and baking!